Monday, March 2, 2009

Fun World

I am off today and my son is sick. What a great day! I really mean that I am not being sarcastic. I love spending time with my cutie. He is feeling better now. Wants me to get my homework and blogging done so that we can go get food. He hasn't eaten since last night so I suppose I should hurry. I have plans to go get food and then come home and 'spring clean.' Leanne is having a garage sale on the 21st of this month. I want to be able to put some stuff in it. I already gave her a bag full. In it was my beloved "bat girl shoes." I wore them with my batgirl costume quite a few years ago. Well SHOES ARE SHOES and you just can't go getting rid of them. I am proud of myself for letting go.

I have been reading a lot lately. Some of the advice I read has been so wonderful. I think I will start passing it on here in my blogs.
I just recently read an article about feeling overwhelmed and depressed. A lot of times in our lives we can get so caught up in the feelings of being overwhelmed by things that need to be done that we let that depress us. Looking around the house you see clutter and no time to clean. Step back and remove yourself for a minute. Take ten minutes a day to clean on one thing or area that you have been meaning to get to. Sometimes you have a full ten minutes to give, sometimes it goes over, sometimes you only have 2 minutes. Whatever it is set out with a goal of ten minutes a day. Be grateful the days that it happens. If you go over great, if not then that is okay. But set it aside. Or with exercise. Sometimes the idea of working out without instant results bores us. Set a goal that you will work out for one minute a day. Or five minutes a day. Whatever you think will be practical for you to meet. Same as with cleaning, 5 is perfect, more is great and 2 is fine. Get back on track tomorrow for just 5. You may find that you spend more time one day stretching and doing floor routine. As time allows it becomes habit. Now you only have 15mins out of your day to clean and exercise. How wonderful!
What about at work when you have a heated conversation with someone? The same "step back" approach works here as well. In the medical field we work closely and daily with people that are afraid. People have differing responses to this feeling. Some get mad, some ask a lot of questions, some get quiet. But no response is the right response. It depends on who is asking. In ER we have people get upset with us, (ER staff), frequently for various reasons. It is important to not let yourself get caught in the mix. For example, if a visitor is getting in your face about how long the wait is, take a step back and let them know you will be back to speak with them when the time is better for them. Then gather information for them. Fear stems from the unknown...what is unknown for them? Return with a compassion to help them resolve their fears with answers. You are the authority and they need answers.
This also works in the office setting. A co-worker gets snappy with you. Calmly reply that you will come back when it is a better time for them. Instead of getting sucked into the negative vibes. Its about taking 10 so that you can have a better attitude. Also being sucked in you may not recognize the reaction of someone else. Why are they acting the way they are? Has a co-workers mother just died? Did the patients father die in a hospital of the same symptoms? Was their ex a nurse so they hate nurses? It can be a number of things, but when you get caught up in the mix it makes it hard to have a full picture vs a narrow minded debate. Take the time to step back! You will be glad more often than not. From working in the ER we all know that the best answer isn't always the one you have. Attempting to see how people perceive the situation vs trying to get them to see your perception is the best goal to have. Or better yet, ask them their perception!

Have fun this week setting new time goals. My goal is 1 minute of sit-ups daily and 10 minutes of cleaning daily. I will keep you posted!

The picture is of my cutie and was taken at a zoo in Colorado.

"put a rug down for bare feet"

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