Thursday, March 5, 2009

Just to let you know....

My boo has a viral infection. So there isn't much that the doc can do about it. She said that if he isn't better by Sat. to bring him in. My little cutie is finally sleeping for the first time all day. Please send healing his way. Not only do I want him to get better, but this weekend is the last weekend for my search and rescue training. I am not going to leave my boo when he is this sick though. So please send your healing energy his way so he gets better.

I kept my first goal of minute express cleaning and working out. That is what I am going to call it...Minute Express. I ended up doing one minute of sit-ups and one minute of stretching. It is so easy to take one minute to do something. I also got my desk cleaned off. It really only took me 10 minutes. I got rid of a lot of papers that were needles
sly stacking up and my desk looks great. It even looks empty because I took off my broken monitor. I do realize that I kept leaving it for the end of the day. I think it would be wiser until it becomes habit, to do my tasks in the beginning. Had I been telling myself I am going to workout for 30mins. I probably wouldn't have done it. Reality people, I live there too!

I read a magazine that I like so far. It is Whole Living Body + Soul. It has some great articles on green living. It is a Martha Stewart publication, though I am not a big fan of hers, she does have some nifty ideas. Not sure how many of you know this but I aim to make my entire business 'green.' Meaning that everything used in my business & to make my business will either reduce, be reused or I will buy recycled. I like this magazine because it gives low cost options as well as some of the more spendy ones. It had a great article about getting rid of the junk mail. As well as how to reuse vs recycle.


"give the best information"

1 comment:

  1. Being green, that sounds like fun! I only know a few people who are green, like the Hulk and Kermit the Frog, but they both seem very nice.

    I want to decorate. Let me know if I get to help decorate. I have IDEAS!
