Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Choose Happiness

I am currently reading the book, "Attractor Factor" by Dr Joe Vitale. I have mentioned him quite a few times in other blogs. He is also the founder of my Miracles Coaching program that I am currently participating in. And by the way, it is going GREAT! I am reading the book in conjunction with the coaching program. He has a great section on Happiness. I am not quoting him word for word, but I got the ideas for this blog directly from this book. If you are interested in more check out any of his wonderful books available at Amazon.com. I will touch on it shortly and then let you make your choices. {smile}

As we create desires and wants...what is the primary focus of most of our desires? Happiness.

We want a new car; so we can be happy.
We want our dream home;
so we can be happy.
We want a trusting relationship; so we can be happy.

We want more money; so we can be happy.
We want success; so we can be happy.

Are you catching the trend? Do we ever wish for unhappiness? I hope not!

So the truth of the matter is to find happiness NOW. Start with being grateful. If you need to make a list of things to be grateful for, by all means grab a pen and make a list. I touched on this in greater detail in my last blog.
You need to make the decision to be happy with what you have...now. Not if I only had more money I could find happiness. What about if you find happiness money will follow? Can that be true? OF COURSE!

Remember you get what you ask for...what are you asking for?


"put something extra in someone's piggy bank"

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Be Green and Grateful

Happy St Patrick's Day!

Today is the day that I will set aside to talk about being grateful. Sit down and make a list of the things that you are grateful for. Attempt to do this daily as a way to start your morning routine. Set the alarm 5 minutes earlier so that you can have time. Then set a pen and notebook by your bed and wha-la you can simply sit up and write your list. This can set your tone for the day as well. You are starting off finding positive to be grateful for. As you go through your day you may start to think, 'hmm I can add that to my list.' Or as you go you may simply find the gratitude around you. To take being grateful one step further...take the things that you don't want and turn them into something to be grateful for. An example could be, ' I don't want to have a crappy car.' Turn that into, 'I am grateful to have a car that gets me to work and back.' As well as take the things that you long for and turn them into gratitude. 'I want a better job.' for example could become, 'I am grateful that I have a job in these trying times.' Work on it and as you do it will become easier and easier. You will find yourself being more and more grateful and therefore positive in no time! Isn't that what we strive for!

my grateful list:

I am grateful :

  • that I am single so I can spend more quality time with my son.
  • that I don't weigh a ton and am healthy.
  • i have a great car that runs and gets me to work, all while looking great!
  • i have money and more opportunities to make more money.
  • for my intelligent sensitive son.
  • when my son asks me to Reiki him. This shows his support and belief in me.
  • for my mother with all her experiences. Her open heart, knowledge and love.
  • for my awesome apartment with gorgeous stained glass windows.
  • my strength.
  • wonderful family and friends that love me for who I am.
  • that i have no needs.
  • the accomplishments i have done so far: hypnotherapy, Reiki II, Search and Rescue, ED tech, EMT and so on, with more to come.
You can see where the list can catch fire! There is so much to be grateful for. Everyday, just make at least two entries into your notebook. It is so much easier to do more, but at least two.

~late addition: If you are having trouble finding the things to be grateful for or if you just want a good read
go to the address below. Just cut and paste in your browser. I haven't quite figured out the link option yet. This is a great excerpt from 'Pronoia is the antidote to Paranoia.' Enjoy!



"believe that the best is yet to be"

Sunday, March 15, 2009


The graduation for Search and Rescue was very nice and well deserved by all. We have all worked hard since September 2008 toward the goal of being trained to help and serve. This blog is short and sweet. Enjoy the photos!


Graduating class of 2009!

Momma bear, me and Brook

Echo team and our first TL. Drew, Matt, Brook, me and John.

Ooh Rah!

"Enjoy your eccentricities and those of other people"

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Certified life

Here we are hiking for our final course for Search and Rescue. I have to say that it was such a wonderful feeling when Jeff, one of the SAR guys, said, "Look around, you are all Certified
now." As a team we went through plenty of difficult times. Training was not easy for our volunteer group. I look back at some of the photos and can tell how much we all grew up. I am glad I tested myself and joined. Now it is only onward and upward from here!

In my most recent Miracles coaching exercise we discussed so many great things, but the one that I want to touch on is reframing questions. This is something that is going to take practice on my part. The purpose of this is to get a more positive outcome. When you are asked, "how was your day?" A general quick one word answer is usually the outcome. With friends a lot of the time you get a cliff notes version of the awful weekend/day they are having. So to focus the conversation why not ask, "What was something great about your weekend?" or "what is something exciting you have planned for this week?" Maybe even test them, "Tell me something good about your day in 30 secs?" Of course this is in a joking manner and not meant to speed them up so you don't have to chat with them. Give it a shot this week. See what responses you get. Maybe reframe the questions so you don't sound like a slap-happy hyper freak. But you get the idea.


"learn from the natural, relaxed way in which young children move"

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Just to let you know....

My boo has a viral infection. So there isn't much that the doc can do about it. She said that if he isn't better by Sat. to bring him in. My little cutie is finally sleeping for the first time all day. Please send healing his way. Not only do I want him to get better, but this weekend is the last weekend for my search and rescue training. I am not going to leave my boo when he is this sick though. So please send your healing energy his way so he gets better.

I kept my first goal of minute express cleaning and working out. That is what I am going to call it...Minute Express. I ended up doing one minute of sit-ups and one minute of stretching. It is so easy to take one minute to do something. I also got my desk cleaned off. It really only took me 10 minutes. I got rid of a lot of papers that were needles
sly stacking up and my desk looks great. It even looks empty because I took off my broken monitor. I do realize that I kept leaving it for the end of the day. I think it would be wiser until it becomes habit, to do my tasks in the beginning. Had I been telling myself I am going to workout for 30mins. I probably wouldn't have done it. Reality people, I live there too!

I read a magazine that I like so far. It is Whole Living Body + Soul. It has some great articles on green living. It is a Martha Stewart publication, though I am not a big fan of hers, she does have some nifty ideas. Not sure how many of you know this but I aim to make my entire business 'green.' Meaning that everything used in my business & to make my business will either reduce, be reused or I will buy recycled. I like this magazine because it gives low cost options as well as some of the more spendy ones. It had a great article about getting rid of the junk mail. As well as how to reuse vs recycle.


"give the best information"

Read all about it!!

My wonderful sister has a blog dedicated to your one and only...ME! So read all about it at Hear Me Roar: http://heartasharoar.blogspot.com/ Also her link is posted in my Fav links section for your easy access. And yes, she does mention Scott in her blog, but hey, I will share my shining star.

I am getting ready to take my didj to the doctor. He seemed like he was getting better the last time I blogged. However, he has still been running high fevers and the congestion is getting the better of him. Poor little guy. I just worry that his viral infection has turned into a sinus infection or gone to his lungs since he is unable to take a deep breath. No worries my wonderful fans he has an appt at 1:50 and all will be answered.

I will continue on with more homework as soon as we get back from the doctors office. My super mother got me the book, "Attractor Factor" by Joe Vitale for my birthday. As suggested by my miracles coach. So I will dig into that book today
and dig deeper into my life changing process.

One conversation I have had that is extremely note-worthy is my conversation I had recently with my friend, Jeff. Jeff is a great guy living in Michigan. He and I recently were having a chat that led to talking about hate. I won't go full bore into the conversation as I respect his privacy. The energy that is put into hating someone or something is far greater than one would expect. A lot of energy goes into hate. I have to ask if that is worth it? The energy consumed could be far better spent putting your resources into making a difference toward that hate. Now I don't want it to seem like this conversation of hate was about
Jeff being consumed by it. We were just discussing the topic of hate. Just to clear the air here. I told him that I felt how people harbor hate and expend it is the difference between Helen Keller and Hitler. Or maybe an even greater example would be Anne Frank and Hitler. When we hate a person we are giving that person a lot of our energy. That is such a waste. Could we turn that hate into energy toward ourselves or maybe even helping others? Sure we can! It is all a choice that we make. So did Hitler know he was making the choice to hate? To expend energy against a race? Yes, he did. As sad as it may seem that is the choice we make. It is made more on a subconcsious level, but we can choose against that. Now believe me no one is perfect and by no means am I comparing anyone that hates or dislikes with Hitler. I am just giving you a known identity to help put yourself in check. Decide who you would rather be and set goals toward obtaining that life. make changes, big or small to be satisfied with yourself. You are all that matters! So make those choices based on what you want to see. Very important! Simple examples would be, "I hate traffic jams!" Can you instead harbor that energy taken towards hate and put it into washing your car. Or maybe even write a letter to a loved one. If fury is your friend then try kickboxing or soccer. Something that constructively expends your energy. If you are exhausted have you noticed how hard it is to expend that hate? Also if you hate a specific person, place, group or race, maybe try to see all sides of that hate. Where does it stem from? Is it a legitimate way to expend your energy? Is there a better way to solve the idea of hate? I am sure you can find something even if you dig! Even if you just settle on the fact that you are better for disolving your hate, then do that!

This is a pic of Nate and I going for a walk...then the downpour began. We got soaked! It was a fun walk and Zues had fun puddle jumping.

I would like to thank the readers of my blog. I love your comments and suggestions. If you read my sisters blog you will know that comments are what make a bloggers life all worth it. All your suggestions are wonderful. If you would like to ask me a question or have a blog request then let me know.


"stop work at your computer and place your hands in namaste, the centered position of respect and thanks"


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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Namasté, Namaskar or Namaskaram (Sanskrit: नमस्ते [nʌmʌsˈteː] from external sandhi between namaḥ and te) is a common spoken greeting or salutation in the Indian subcontinent. Taken literally, it means "I bow to you". The word is derived from Sanskrit (namas): to bow, obeisance, reverential salutation, and (te): "to you".[1] Namaskar is considered a slightly more formal version than namasté but both express deep respect. It is commonly used in India and Nepal by Hindus, Jains and Buddhists, and many continue to use this outside the Indian subcontinent.

When spoken to another person, it is commonly accompanied by a slight bow made with hands pressed together, palms touching and fingers pointed upwards, in front of the chest. The gesture can also be performed wordlessly and carry the same meaning.

In Indian and Nepali culture, the word is spoken at the beginning of written or verbal communication. However, upon departure the only the wordless hands-folded gesture is made.

*In yoga, namasté is said to mean "The light within me honors the light within you," as spoken by both the yoga instructor and yoga students.*

Monday, March 2, 2009

Fun World

I am off today and my son is sick. What a great day! I really mean that I am not being sarcastic. I love spending time with my cutie. He is feeling better now. Wants me to get my homework and blogging done so that we can go get food. He hasn't eaten since last night so I suppose I should hurry. I have plans to go get food and then come home and 'spring clean.' Leanne is having a garage sale on the 21st of this month. I want to be able to put some stuff in it. I already gave her a bag full. In it was my beloved "bat girl shoes." I wore them with my batgirl costume quite a few years ago. Well SHOES ARE SHOES and you just can't go getting rid of them. I am proud of myself for letting go.

I have been reading a lot lately. Some of the advice I read has been so wonderful. I think I will start passing it on here in my blogs.
I just recently read an article about feeling overwhelmed and depressed. A lot of times in our lives we can get so caught up in the feelings of being overwhelmed by things that need to be done that we let that depress us. Looking around the house you see clutter and no time to clean. Step back and remove yourself for a minute. Take ten minutes a day to clean on one thing or area that you have been meaning to get to. Sometimes you have a full ten minutes to give, sometimes it goes over, sometimes you only have 2 minutes. Whatever it is set out with a goal of ten minutes a day. Be grateful the days that it happens. If you go over great, if not then that is okay. But set it aside. Or with exercise. Sometimes the idea of working out without instant results bores us. Set a goal that you will work out for one minute a day. Or five minutes a day. Whatever you think will be practical for you to meet. Same as with cleaning, 5 is perfect, more is great and 2 is fine. Get back on track tomorrow for just 5. You may find that you spend more time one day stretching and doing floor routine. As time allows it becomes habit. Now you only have 15mins out of your day to clean and exercise. How wonderful!
What about at work when you have a heated conversation with someone? The same "step back" approach works here as well. In the medical field we work closely and daily with people that are afraid. People have differing responses to this feeling. Some get mad, some ask a lot of questions, some get quiet. But no response is the right response. It depends on who is asking. In ER we have people get upset with us, (ER staff), frequently for various reasons. It is important to not let yourself get caught in the mix. For example, if a visitor is getting in your face about how long the wait is, take a step back and let them know you will be back to speak with them when the time is better for them. Then gather information for them. Fear stems from the unknown...what is unknown for them? Return with a compassion to help them resolve their fears with answers. You are the authority and they need answers.
This also works in the office setting. A co-worker gets snappy with you. Calmly reply that you will come back when it is a better time for them. Instead of getting sucked into the negative vibes. Its about taking 10 so that you can have a better attitude. Also being sucked in you may not recognize the reaction of someone else. Why are they acting the way they are? Has a co-workers mother just died? Did the patients father die in a hospital of the same symptoms? Was their ex a nurse so they hate nurses? It can be a number of things, but when you get caught up in the mix it makes it hard to have a full picture vs a narrow minded debate. Take the time to step back! You will be glad more often than not. From working in the ER we all know that the best answer isn't always the one you have. Attempting to see how people perceive the situation vs trying to get them to see your perception is the best goal to have. Or better yet, ask them their perception!

Have fun this week setting new time goals. My goal is 1 minute of sit-ups daily and 10 minutes of cleaning daily. I will keep you posted!

The picture is of my cutie and was taken at a zoo in Colorado.

"put a rug down for bare feet"