Thursday, February 19, 2009


Was Superman here before us? Could he no longer go on? Was there a kryptonite exposure? How will we ever know what happened?! Please respond. This suit was found while hiking on a SAR course. Please let me know if Superman is out there? Or is he just naked?! Please reply to this posting if you know anything or have any information about this crime.

Okay I will be serious. Even though it is dull. I thought I would post some of my SAR photos...then realized I don't have many. We did not touch the superman suit at all. It was laying on this stump like this when we found it. And our mission was not to find Superman either! It was a gorgeous weekend for hiking about. Hard on the feet though. We hiked all day and then the next day! Soooo great. I do have to say that joining SAR I don't feel insecure about if I am ready to camp or hike anymore. Just give me a tarp and trial and I am set! I know I have a lot of work still to go, but I am ready! Until next time....which might be sooner than you think....Ciao!

"dare to dream!"


  1. So you really found Superman's Lair? Its like a northwest legend and you are just out and about hiking around in blistered feet and discover the most well kept secret, I'm impressed!! You guys are good!

  2. Sometimes Superman is so busy saving people that he has to change clothes mid-air. Since there are very few atmospheric laundromats available, sometimes he is forced to let the soiled garments fall wherever they may. Most of the time he comes back later to retrieve them, as A.) He does not believe in littering, and B.) Superhero suits can be quite expensive. I hope I have been able to share at least a little light on this subject.
