My Page - 29-Day Giving Challenge
I went to the bookstore today searching for a day-by-day calendar. A random person had dropped off some cookies to work and taped to them was a calendar page for that day. On it read, "Give cookies to your local hospital today." I thought this was a genius calendar idea! I was now on the hunt for a random acts type of calendar for myself. I went to the local Borders bookstore at the mall. Well if you want to call it a mall. I searched and searched, but the only calendars they had were pretty picked over being the tenth day of January and all. I wandered the aisle hoping to find what I came for. There was the book by Cami Walker titled, "29 Gifts -How a month of giving can change your life." This was no calendar, but it seemed to jump into my hands. This is what I was looking for. On my way to the register I grabbed a small gift for my mom. She is sick today and I just wanted to cheer her up.
Once I opened the book, I just couldn't put it down. I know how cliche that sounds, but it is true! I work with someone that is experiencing the same struggles that the author is talking about. I instantly want to run out and get her this book. As I read the book I realized that today was my Day 1, without even knowing what it was all about.
I bought my mom some NUN-chucks. A joke gift because she is a catholic school girl and tends to collect random nun objects. I also got her a Zen calendar for her desk. She has wanted to improve the moral where we work with inspirational quotes. So I thought this could improve her moral at times when she needs it and give her ideas. And because she was sick, I bought her orange juice! I felt so good when I gave those things to her. I felt a rush of the energy I am excited to get back too. What a wonderful feeling to rush over me! I haven't been able to spend much time with my mom as I usually do, so I just sat with her for a while. I then finished a project I had started at her house and returned to my home in a wonderful mood!
I loose track often. Thinking of other things to do before tending to myself. I worry about all the things that I am not doing and should be. I haven't been able to sleep. Things at work are changing and I wonder where it will leave me. The house I made an offer on actually may come to a close. Me- a homeowner! Scary, but I am SO ready....or am I?? All these feelings of doubt and fear left me as I was at my moms. It was just us. It was just great!
*Thank You Cami Walker and the others that have written books such as these to help remind us what life truly is about! You are blessed!
"No one has ever become poor by giving." -Anne Frank