Monday, February 23, 2009

Was that a week already?

All the events and happenings going on in my life are seeming to fly by. I feel like I have accomplished a lot recently. As I sit here writing this at 3:30 am on my birthday morning a lot crosses my mind. Funny the things that will keep ya awake. As I might have mentioned before my goal for this year is to be successful in my business. Feeling that time is going to fly by I decided to dig into studying.
My first task is to catch up on works by Joe Vitale the founder of my miracles coaching program.
My miracles coaching program is getting off to a great start. I was emailed a 5 step program for creating and manifesting my intentions. As well as clearing a lot of false beliefs I have or need to be cleared from the past. These were very powerful exercises for me. I discovered a lot of limiting beliefs that I have in my mind. I feel as though I have cleared most of them and can now move forward. It is funny how the universe provides.
I strongly believe that if you are positive then you are provided with positive outcomes. Anything negative in your life, you have created. Either on a conscious or subconscious level. Good news about this is you can do things to help clear those negative happenings. So after this clearing exercise I believe that I have greatly helped myself on the road to an over all wealthy person. Wealth as an all encompassing factor...not just pertaining to money.
I also ordered some great teachings from Devin Hastings, another great hypnotherapist. He sent me a book that was on my amazon wish list and quite a few dvd's. I will be able to advance my training with all the research that I am doing to make me just that much better for my clients. Dvd's on hypnotherapy affecting weight loss, anxiety, OCD & diabetes. "Anxiety, OCD and Hypnosis: new answers for those who suffer in silence" by Devin Hastings. I can't wait to absorb them all. Hypnotherapy is such a powerful tool! I was saddened to learn that he didn't have any of the 'Emergency' dvd's left. This is the reason I choose to go into help patients heal themselves in conjunction with the physician. He did give me the name of a book that is now highest priority on my amazon wish list!
My amazon wish list should have a cap on it because it is overflowing with books that I can't wait to read. My bookshelves are full of books read and waiting to be read. Ones I was afraid I would miss out on if I didn't get them right away. I have a great heartmath book that I am almost finished with. "The Heartmath Solution", by Doc Childre and Howard Martin. Great book! As I was watching the Joe Vitale video he mentioned even more books and people to check out. I believe in giving credit where due so I researched them and added them to my list as well.
What a wonderful field I have chosen! I am so happy with the path I am on. I am learning so much. As I learn I not only help myself, but learn how to help others as well.
Reiki has effected my life in so much more a way then I could ever
have imagined! I get to quickly and seemingly effortlessly help people. I practice on the people at work all the time. And my mother and son love it! I love that I can help them in such a powerful way. I can not wait to develop that path further as well. Becoming a Reiki master is one accomplishment I will be very proud of when that road is able to be taken.
I am so pleased with all the things happening in my life. It is funny how when you clear your mind and let it go, great things happen. Lets just say, the Universe provides! I will be thrilled to keep you updated on my successes as I meet them. I am no longer afraid of being successful, which was something I discovered and cleared. Now that is out of the way, WATCH OUT WORLD!
But first, some sleep for my birthday....

by the way, the pic is a photo I took of the Deception Pass bridge. great pics. I decided to be a bit more random with pics. Just post anything to share.
I also want to post items from my "Instant Karma" book that I have....things to do to get instant karma!


"Test your intelligence by challenging it."

1 comment:

  1. I'm so pleased you found something to be passionate about! Love the picture.
